SAS PO November Meeting

SAS PO November Meeting

We’ve rescheduled this month’s SAS Parent Organization meeting to Wednesday, November 13th, at 8:30 AM. We’ll be meeting at Onyx Coffee – Rogers HQ (101 E Walnut St, Rogers, AR 72756). While we’ll cover a few business items that need approval, we’re hoping to keep...


Greetings, SAS Families and Friends! Did you have tree damage or lose any trees as a result of the May 2024 tornadoes? If so, we have sixty trees, all native to NWA, that are available to you at no cost and ready to be planted. (All of these trees must be planted in...
SAS Parent Organization Meeting

SAS Parent Organization Meeting

Please join us online this Wednesday for our October Parent Organization meeting via Zoom! Whether you’ve joined the organization yet or not, we’d love to “see” you! It’s the perfect chance to connect with other SASsy parents and learn about upcoming...
Back-to-School Event

Back-to-School Event

We look forward to welcoming you to your school very soon! Please save the date for our Back-to-School event on Friday August 9th from 3:30-5:00 p.m. At this event, we will separate into two groups: parents/families and students. Students will spend their time getting...
School Supply List

School Supply List

Please follow the link below to view our school supply list. The “Required” section includes supplies every student needs in order to be successful at SAS. “Recommended” are items that while not necessary, in our experience are highly...
SAS Parent Organization Membership Drive

SAS Parent Organization Membership Drive

We are thrilled to announce the start of a vibrant community initiative: the School for Advanced Studies Parent Organization! As our brand-new school prepares to open its doors to the hearts and eager minds of our students in August, we recognize the pivotal role that...